Diflucan Over The CounterDiflucan Over The Counter – is known as a medication for the therapy of fungal infections and is the brand name of fluconazole. You may purchase this drug on prescription only. A lot of people get prescriptions for Diflucan every year.

What is Diflucan?

  • Diflucan is a prescription-only medication. Its active substance is fluconazole. Diflucan is regarded as an effective antifungal drug and is likewise utilized in the therapy of different infections provoked by Candida and various types of fungus.
  • Diflucan is referred to as azole antifungal drug class. Diflucan works by influencing the cellular membrane of the pathogen and, as result, suppresses its increase. As a rule, Diflucan is usually taken by adults or children under doctors’ prescriptions.
  • Diflucan is available in a few forms: tablet, liquid suspension, and intravenous injection. The Diflucan tablet contains 50 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg, or 200 mg of fluconazole, suspension – 10 mg/mL, 40 mg/mL, and injection – 2 mg/mL.

Drug Name:


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Common uses of Diflucan

Many health troubles may be treated with Diflucan. Particularly, a doctor may prescribe patients Diflucan if they have yeast infections, oral thrush, cryptococcal meningitis, invasive candidiasis, and other infections. In other words, fluconazole (Diflucan) is a helpful and effective drug utilized to cure fungal infections that may affect a patient’s skin, blood, brain, genitals, digestive system, nails, urinary tract, and more.

Yeast infections

Being a fungal infection, vaginal yeast infection causes discharge, severe itching, and irritation of the vagina and tissues at the vaginal opening. This infection is likewise known as vaginal candidiasis. Up to 3 out of 4 women may be affected by vaginal yeast infection at some point in their lives.

Fortunately, Diflucan is a suitable medication for vaginal candidiasis. Even a single Diflucan dose may be enough to treat vaginal yeast infection. The main reason is that this drug stays in vaginal secretions for a minimum of 72 hours.

Oral thrush

Oral thrush or likewise regarded as oral candidiasis is a condition in which the fungus Candida albicans crowds around on the lining of your mouth. Slightly elevated, creamy white, inflamed patches in the patient’s mouth or tongue appear at an oral thrush. Oral candidiasis more often affects babies and older adults since they have lowered immune systems.

Once either you or your child discovers white lesions inside the mouth, it is recommended to contact your doctor. You may be prescribed Diflucan at the appointment with a high probability. Diflucan shows itself well during oral thrush treatment.

Cryptococcal meningitis

Cryptococcal meningitis is another fungal infection. Cryptococcus neoformans may cause this infection and is usually discovered in bird droppings. When a human makes a breath, the spores can multiply and circulate from the lungs to the membranes that coat the brain or spinal cord. This leads to meningitis.

Fluconazole (Diflucan over the counter) is probably the best cure for cryptococcal meningitis. Cryptococcus can change its rate of increase under theinfluence of Diflucan.

Invasive candidiasis

Being another infection, invasive candidiasis may be caused by Candida yeast. This infection differs from oral thrush infection and vaginal yeast infection. Invasive candidiasis is considered a more serious infection that may affect the human heart, eyes, blood, bones, brain, and different parts of the human body.

Fever and chills that do not pass after antibiotic medication on suspicion of bacterial infections are regarded as the most widespread symptoms of invasive candidiasis. Luckily, Diflucan is well-established as an effective medication for the prevention and cure of invasive candidiasis.


Diflucan serves as a good drug for the treatment of serious and uncomfortable fungal or yeast infections. For instance, you may take this medication if you suffer from yeast infections, oral candidiasis, cryptococcal meningitis, and invasive candidiasis. What’s more, your doctor may prescribe Diflucan if you have other candida infections, for instance, urinary tract infections and peritonitis.

How to take Diflucan

Diflucan tablets or capsules may be taken regardless of food intake. You should swallow a whole tablet while drinking water. It is recommended to take tablets/capsules every day at the same time.

Diflucan liquid suspension may be taken with or without food as well. To measure the required dose, you may use a plastic spoon that is included with the drug. Meanwhile, Diflucan injection should be infused intravenously slowly.

The necessary doses and duration of the therapy should be prescribed by your doctor depending on your infection. As a rule, Diflucan should be taken once a day. If you forget to take a dose, avoid taking two doses the next day. It will be better to skip the missed dose.

If you take too much Diflucan, for instance, 1 or 2 extra doses, this will lead to bad consequences with a small probability. Still, cases of Diflucan overdose have been reported. That’s why your task is to adhere to your doctor’s prescription.

Side effects of Diflucan

Common side effects of Diflucan happen in over 1 in 100 patients. Some of these side effects are headache, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, rash, etc.

Serious side effects of Diflucan happen rarely and in less than 1 in 100 patients. Liver damage, severe rash, irregular heartbeat, and adrenal gland issues are considered serious side effects of fluconazole (Diflucan) usage.

Diflucan interactions

It is advisable to avoid taking Diflucan and certain drugs simultaneously. Some of these medications are Alprazolam, Terfenadine, Sertraline, Omeprazole, Albuterol, Tramadol, etc.

When you are at the doctor’s office, you may ask them to tell you in detail what medications may interact with Diflucan and what drugs are contraindicated to take at the same time as fluconazole (Diflucan over the counter).

Diflucan Over The Counter – Summary

Diflucan is an effective antifungal medicine. It is available by prescription only. Your doctor may appoint Diflucan to you in cases of mild and serious infections.

Diflucan may interact with definite drugs. Still, do not forget to inform your doctor whether you take other medications. Moreover, it is a bad idea to consume alcoholic drinks while you take Diflucan.


How long does it take for Diflucan to work?

If you have a mild and uncomplicated infection, improvement in symptoms may be observed within one to three days when taking Diflucan. For more serious infections, it may take longer for Diflucan to work.

Is Diflucan available over-the-counter?

Diflucan is a prescription-only medication.

Can Diflucan be taken with alcohol?

If you take Diflucan, avoid drinking alcohol for the period of treatment. Simultaneous Diflucan taking and alcohol drinking may increase the risk of liver damage.