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There is quite a big list of essential compounds that are of great importance to humans. It includes many vitamins and micronutrients with tiny required amounts but the necessary actions. These small molecules are present everywhere in the tissues and cells and work in different directions.

In case of a lack, the body tries to relocate them to provide the needed concentration to vital organs. As a result, we observe the first signs and problems in our appearance, for instance, in our skin and hair.

Therefore, if one notices that his or her hair is not shining or the shedding becomes pronounced, it may be due to a deficiency. Of course, there is genetic alopecia but it is always worth searching for the real cause. As the answer to the question of can vitamin deficiency cause hair loss is positive, let’s discuss those compounds that are involved in this process more than others.

Of course, more than one vitamin and microelement takes part in hair health and both their concentrations and ratio matter. Thus, we are going to stop at the main of them and reveal all the secrets of the vitamins’ action and how to restore their amount. This is a gradual process but possible and real for those who are determined.

Vitamin D

It is actually a group of compounds with similar structures and the ability to be dissolved in lipids. We obtain it from food and its inner synthesis is also promoted under the influence of UV light. That is the reason why we suffer more from the deficiency during autumn and winter.

The daily dosage is 400–800 IUthat is equivalent to 10–20 micrograms. Sometimes you may see higher dosage, especially for elderly people and during pregnancy.

Vitamin D role in Hair Health

This compound takes part in the absorption of phosphorus and calcium from the digestive system. Therefore, its level is related to the health of bones and skeletal system, hair, and nails.

Modern scientific research has proven its utilization forthe growth of follicles. In addition, its deficiency correlated with alopecia of different genesis.

How vitamin D deficiency can cause hair loss

In this case, hair loss from vitamin deficiency may occur through the following mechanisms:

  • Receptors for this compound are present in keratinocytes. These cells process keratin – a special hair protein. Therefore, when the level is decreasing, the hair follicle growth is disturbed;
  • When an alopecia areata is diagnosed,it means that immune cells attack follicles. According to the investigations, this disease is accompanied by vitamin D deficiency and its course correlates with it;
  • In the case of abrupt hair loss scientists have also found a correlation between this event and vitamin D levels. If it was not sufficient, then the stressful event led to bad hair loss.

Altogether, we cannot say that this type of deficiency serves as a primary reason for this problem. However, it is often observed together with hair loss and restoring the level of it can be helpful in improving the situation.

Foods and supplements that are high in vitamin D

If you have found out that you lack this nutrient, here are the possible solutions:

  • Vitamin D is synthesized under the exposure of your skin to the sun. Thus, there is a need to go for a walk regularly, especially during the warm season;
  • As natural sources of this compound can serve fatty fish, liver, and eggs;
  • The modern food industry produces foods enriched withit, for instance, milk, dairy products, cereals, and even some juices.

At last, there are special supplements but one must be very careful with the dosage and consult the specialist to select the proper one. The thing is that this compound is fat-soluble and may be accumulated inside the body causing toxic effects. Therefore, there can be a case of both deficiency and surplus and each option is bad for health.

Vitamin B12 and Hair Loss

There is a big group of water-soluble B vitamins that are crucial for a normal life. As for B12, an adult person needs nearly 2.4 mcg per day. There is no upper limit for its consumption, as all excess will be easily eliminated.

Vitamin B12 role in hair health

To understand the link between the hair condition and this compound, we need to look closer at its work inside the body:

  • Vitamin B12 is taking an active part inerythrocyteproduction. It influences theirshape and size and promotes the formation of those suitable for oxygen transformation;
  • Gooderythrocytescarry oxygen to all tissues, including hair follicles. The latter utilizes oxygen and then grow better.

How vitamin B12 deficiency can cause hair loss

When hair follicles start to experience a lack of oxygen, hair becomes thinner and can start to fall out.We should mention that the whole body suffers from this situation. Still, it is easier to notice the problems in appearance, namely in hair condition.

Foods and supplements that are high in vitamin B12

To improve the situation, you can use special supplements and also add to your diet beef and turkey, cereals, fish, dairy products and eggs, spinach, strawberries and bananas.

It is especially important for vegetarians and vegans to check the level of B12 regularly and add appropriate supplements to prevent problems. We mainly get this compound from animal food and it is much harder to retain its proper level on a plant diet.

Iron and Hair Loss

This type of deficiency can happen due to both an unbalanced diet and after the loss of blood or some problems that limit absorption in the digestive system.The necessary amount differs according to age and sex.

Iron role in hair health

Iron is the key element inerythrocytes, namely in hemoglobin. It binds oxygen to transport the latter through the whole body. Hair also needs it to grow and each cell here is waiting for it all the time.

How iron deficiency can cause hair loss

As we take our energy from oxygen, iron deficiency immediately shows up in the overall condition of the body, indulging hair condition. When there is not enough oxygen, the cells cannot grow. In the absence of energy and stimulation, hair becomes dull, it falls out without any replacement.

Foods and supplements that are high in iron

As a surplus of this element is also dangerous, it is recommended to make tests to check whether there is a deficiency. This is especially important for vegetarians who do not get this metal from animal food. Moreover, coffee, tea, calcium and some medicines decrease iron absorption that may lead to further problems.

To restore its levelone should:

  • Add to the diet red meat, bread and cereals,beans, and nuts;
  • Include vitamin C and its food resources in the nutrition as iron is better adsorbed together with it;
  • Use some special supplements or medications according to the doctor’s prescription.

Vitamin A and Hair Loss

This compound is associated more with skin treatment. Still, it is also important for proper hair condition. The standard daily dosage is 10,000 IU and the surplus is also dangerous to the fat-soluble nature and has the ability to accumulate.

Vitamin A role in hair health

In the area of hair health,this compound is responsible for hair follicle protection. It also participates in cell growth and division. Modern investigations showed that hair is kept in the head under its influence.Supplementsthat contain it decrease the number of hairs in the telogen phase or resting before shedding.

When we combine all these effects together, we can state that this compound is also important for hair health.

How Vitamin A deficiency can cause hair loss

The growth process is regulated in a sophisticated way. It must be not too slow and not too quick to maintain the beauty of the hairstyle. And this compound is directly involved in all the nuances of stimulating follicles.

Thus, they respond to changes in its concentration and can both slowdown or begin to grow and fall out more quickly than needed. Each situation is disturbing in its own way. The crucial point is to determine the concentration and the right way to solve this issue.

Foods and supplements that are high in Vitamin A

This molecule can be found in both animal and plant resources but in different forms. The readily prepared vitamin is contained in fish and liver, dairy products and eggs. As a provitamin, which is further processed inside the body, it may be found inorange and yellow fruits and vegetables, vegetable oils and leafy green vegetables.

If these resources are not enough, one may search for specific supplements. Their dosage must be chosen carefully to avoid a surplus of the compound.

Vitamin E and Hair Loss

This potent antioxidant belongs to the most popular modern compounds for the treatment of various diseases. It is readily present in many usual products and protects cells from free radicals. This process is linked to aging so it unties health and beauty and contributes to their maintenance.

Vitamin E role in hair health

This unique fat-soluble molecule has two useful actions. On the one hand, it protects all the cells from free radicals and their damage. On the other hand, it helps in the proper hydration and creation of a protective barrier on the skin. If the latter exists on the head, then the hair is able to grow easily and maintain its healthy appearance.

How Vitamin E deficiency can cause hair loss

Any cell can be damaged by so-called oxidative stress and free radicals. If this cell is somewhere in our intestines, we will not observe the consequences immediately. On the other hand, we pay attention to our hair every day and can easily notice the change in its condition. Thus, its massive loss can be caused by free radicals that occur due to insufficient amount of this compound.

Foods and supplements that are high in Vitamin E

The main source of this molecule is vegetable oils as well as seeds and nuts. This is why it is advisable not only to enrich the nutrition with them but also to utilize them forhome hair care. You will find numerous recipes based on oils that provide follicles with useful molecules.

Biotin and Hair Loss

Among essential molecules, we should mention vitamin B7 or H or simply put biotin. This small compound takes part in different processes that contribute to the healthy appearance of not only hair but also nails and skin.

Biotin role in hair health

This compound is involved in various metabolic processes and helps the cells to obtain energy in the most efficient way. We can assume that it does not influence hair condition directly. Still, its proper concentration is required to stop hair loss.

How biotin deficiency can cause hair loss

As this compound takes part in keratin production, its absence in the diet may change the quality of hair. This state may be aggravated in the case of smoking, taking antibiotics and some other medicines that affect its absorption and utilization.
There can be also a genetic problem that causes the disorder with biotin. However, such conditions are usually early diagnosed.

Foods and supplements that are high in biotin

It is quite easy to reach a daily dosage of this molecule. An adult needs 30 micrograms per day, andfor a child 5 mcg is enough. Do not forget to include in your nutrition:

  • lentilsand legumes;
  • whole grains;
  • sunflower seeds and oil;
  • carrotsand mushrooms;
  • eggs and meat;
  • dairy products;
  • seafood.

An important note is the breakdown of biotin in the course of food processing. Therefore, only the whole products will provide you with the necessary quantity of this compound.
Furthermore, this molecule is present as a part of many supplements. Pay attention that the dosage can be different according to the condition of the body and the problem that must be solved.

Other vitamin deficiencies and hair loss

In addition to the detailed information presented above, we should mention a few other nutrients that are essential for hair beauty. These microelements were proven to have an effect on the growth and strength of our hair.

The first vital atom is zinc that is required forthe repair and growth of cells. It also influences the work of oil glands near the follicles contributing to the shine of our hair. Its deficiency is often observed together with low levels of D and A vitamins and can be restored by including in the diet soy products, seeds and nuts.

Another similar trace element is selenium. It has antioxidant properties and influences the metabolism as a whole, including hormonal balance. Furthermore, it is required for the synthesis of thyroid hormones that are involved in hair growth regulation. The main sources of this element are rice, beans and nuts, and whole-wheat bread.

Thus, as far as we can see hair regulation is a sophisticated process that requires the presence of numerous nutrients in the necessary amount. Still, nowadays we are able to help our body with this and restore those concentrations that are low.

How to Treat a Vitamin Deficiency

First and foremost, one must be sure that he or she has such a problem. It is impossible to conclude just by looking in the mirror. Therefore, if you observe some hair problems that do not disappear and are really disturbing, do not neglect to visit the doctor.

Of course, you can start with outside treatment and it can also be helpful. However, when there is a problem inside, it must be solved anyway.

Thus, the physician will prescribe you a set of tests according to the overall condition and other symptoms. The latter may be present but you will not relate them to the hair problems by yourself.

The step-by-step way to healthy hair will look as follows:

  1. The initial consultation with the doctor and prescription of tests.
  2. Checking the levels of the most important essential nutrients.
  3. Revision of the nutrition system and compilation of a healthy menu.
  4. Prescription of the specific supplements. In most cases, they are combined and only the specialist is able to select the one appropriate to your needs.
  5. Prescription of medicines in case of a severe deficiency.

Furthermore, it will be important to control the level during the course of the treatment and make some changes in the prescriptions. This process is gradual and you will need time and patience to get the result you want.

However, such a treatment is great for overall performance and health as not only your hair requires these nutrients but the whole body. As a rule, we do not pay much attention to this issue until some problem arises. This is the reason why millions of people all over the world live with vitamin deficiency. Do not follow this path and take care of your health and appearance.


For now, there is no scientific evidence that a lack of one special nutrient will lead to bad hair loss. Still, many of them contribute to its strength, shining and growth of it and we should consider all the complexity of this system.

Thus, when you experience some unusual problems, do not hesitate to learn more about their cause, visit the physician and make a set of tests to find out the real cause of the problem. It will take time but it is definitely worth doing if you want to enjoy the quality of your hair.

Moreover, pay attention to your diet and create a healthy one for yourself. This will contribute to your overall performance not to mention your hair strength. Be careful with supplements and medicines and start their intake after the consultation with a specialist.

As there are numerous essential nutrients, you will need time to solve this problem. Still, it is absolutely real and your hair will shine from joy as well as the whole body that gets healthy food enriched with vitamins and microelements.


How do you know if you are losing hair due to vitamin deficiency?

The best thing to do is to consult with your doctor first and then make the tests that he will prescribe. The thing is that some of them measure the presence of vitamins in the blood, while others check the amount that is stored in the body. The specialist will combine all this data and make the right conclusion on your situation and needs.

What is the most important vitamin for hair loss?

All of the well-known vitamins and also some microelements influence hair condition. Among the most valuable we should mention fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E, water-soluble B group, iron, zinc and selenium. Their exact quantities as well as their ratio are important.

Will B12 deficiency cause hair loss?

If only a deficiency of this vitamin is observed, it will not lead to severe problems. However, it may be a part of the issue that contributes to less shiny and thick hair. Thus, it is better to check the level of this compound and then make a conclusion after a consultation with a specialist.

Can vitamin D deficiency cause hair loss?

In the case of alopecia, vitamin deficiency of this type is often observed. However, it seems that it is a part of the problem, not the main cause. Still, the restoration of its level improves hair growth and thickness. Thus, improve your diet and lifestyle and track the changes that occur in hair health.

Can vitamin deficiency cause hair loss?

Avitamin deficiency causes hair loss,and the latter is its obvious result. When the body experience lack of valuable nutrients, it starts to provide them to vital organs at first. As a result, we observe hair loss, skin and nail problems, etc. We will not experience internal issues at once but these external signs are more than important for disease prevention. It is not only about beauty but about overall health.

Dylan Green

Dr. Dylan Green is a highly qualified physician and an expert in medical article writing. With extensive knowledge in the fields of men's health, healthy lifestyles, and nutrition, he provides valuable insights and evidence-based information. While the articles serve as a valuable resource, consulting with your own doctor is essential for comprehensive and tailored medical advice. Your health is unique, and professional guidance is crucial to making informed decisions for your well-being.